Wood plastic composite outdoor patio decking is an attractive and very durable and low maintenance decking solution that will withstand the test of time. Each piece is not free and consistent in size, colour and length, therefore eliminating the search for the perfect piece. The beauty of this eco friendly outdoor exterior decking is the look, the close match of natural wood and this unique recycled decking solution has the durability of plastic.
The Cold Weather Will Have Effect Cheap Patio Decking
Even cold weather, the wood plastic composite patio decking still well. Because patio decking components plastic accounted for 50%. So in the extremely cold weather because of hard and brittle. The lowest temperature can be used to -40,hard deformation, no cracks.
The Wood Plastic Patio Decking Need Paint or Not
And general wood different, because the wood plastic patio decking surface and interior material and color are consistent. The surface is bright. So affordable patio decking no need paint, also have various colors can be chosen by the customer. Sometimes the color effect different price. Cheap patio decking color is a dark color. Because dark colors materials cheaper than light color materials.
Several Cases of A Variety of Color Choices
Cheap WPC patio decking is av ailable in 8 colors, granite, Olive, original wood, Grey, Light Grey, Cedar, reddish and brown. Our wpc outside decking comes with few standard types of top and bottom surface finishing a natural wood grain pattern on one side and an elegant ribbed pattern on the other, featuring a matte brush finish for none slip resistance.
How about weight of composite wood patio Decking
A general wood, composite wood patio decking specific gravity is much greater. Usually in 1.1 to 1.18. And general wood specific gravity of 0.4-0.7. Even heavy and big solid wood, specific gravity around 1.0. So the same volume of WPC products much heavier. In order to reduce the weight of wood plastic products. Can take the foaming, change section shape, design method.
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